Have you ever thought of creating a beautiful haven outdoors that can be used for rest and relaxation, entertaining family and friends or for alfresco meals with the family?  Such a place will add great value to your property and help to keep you healthy by offering a way to reduce your stress levels. We don’t usually consider sustainability when thinking of such a project, but in fact, having an outdoor haven with relaxing outdoor furniture from drovers furniture can be considered eco-friendly. How?

When you make an outdoor place with the help of expert landscape architects to enjoy, it needs to have some kind of floor to replace the grass. This is because grass would soon wear away if the place was used much, through feet trampling on it.  It is also quite wet after rain or dew and people often don’t want to walk on it and get their good shoes wet. Or their toes, if they are wearing sandals.

So you would place down tiles or pavers of some kind, pavement or gravel to replace the grass. This will need to be a fairly large space so you don’t feel cramped and to ensure you can fit all the outdoor furniture that is needed. It’s likely to be as large as your living room at the very least – maybe larger. This is quite a large expanse of grass that has been replaced.

So you not only don’t have to mow that area, you don’t have to water or fertilise it either. That is a great saving on the use of fuel to mow and the cost of fertiliser, not to mention the amount of the latter that is likely to get washed into the waterways. Of course, it will also save the costs of those things as well as the time and effort you use to do it.

This equates to being a saving on the earth’s resources and on waste going into landfill in the form of grass cuttings. It will also save your mower wearing out as quickly as it might have otherwise – and the mower blades won’t need replacing so often.  This all might seem a negligible save, but if everyone who has a house and backyard did it, the overall results would most likely astonish you.

If you also changed your garden to grow only drought tolerant plants that did not need much water, the savings on this sometimes scarce commodity would be even greater.  Plus, such plants are generally hardy, often visually striking and don’t need to be replaced constantly like annuals do.

Again, it will save on time and effort as well as costs when you put these quite simple measures of sustainability into practice. It is not difficult to be environmentally friendly and offers many benefits to you as well as to the earth you live in.