Although most plumbing is designed to last for decades, there will come a time when you need to replace sure pipes, taps and drainage systems. However, it can be difficult to figure out exactly when these times are.

In some cases, simply making minor repairs will be your best option. In others, you will be better off replacing entire sections of your plumbing. A professional plumber can advise you on this, but we’ve also put together this article to help you understand things for yourself.

When Should I Repair My Plumbing?

Deciding whether or not to repair parts of your plumbing can be difficult, but there are numerous things that you can look out for to ensure you’re making the right choice. Repairs are a viable choice in many situations, including when:

  • A small section of your system causes the problems. For example, if you have a burst pipe, but the rest of the pipe is in good condition, your best option will probably be to repair it.
  • The cost of repairs is less than the cost of replacement. In many cases, the cost of repairs will be significantly lower than the cost of replacing your plumbing, making it an easy choice for many homeowners.
  • Problems are rare and minor. If issues with your plumbing are uncommon and relatively minor, the chances are that there’s little need to replace entire sections.

Overall, your best option will usually be to repair small plumbing issues.

When Should I Replace My Plumbing?

There are numerous warning signs that can point towards it being the right time to replace your plumbing. If you’re aware of these, the decision should be easy. Consider replacing your plumbing if:

  • You’re calling your plumber more and more often. If this is the case, then the chances are that you probably have some significant issues and that your best option may be to replace your entire plumbing system.
  • More problems occur every time you make repairs. This is often the case when dealing with old, brittle pipes ready to be replaced.
  • Your water is dirty or rust-coloured, particularly after you haven’t used a tap for some time. This suggests that your pipes are rusting or decaying, which is bad news.

All in all, you should consider replacing your plumbing when you’re suffering from regular problems. In the end, you will be saving yourself a significant amount of money in the long term anyway.

Above, we’ve outlined a handful of scenarios where you should repair minor plumbing issues instead of replacing an entire section of pipes. This information is designed as a guide only, and it’s always a good idea to speak with your local plumber to find out their opinion.

An experienced plumber will be able to assess the situation rapidly, advising you on the best way to deal with your plumbing issues. Rather than trying to figure things out for yourself, we’d recommend contacting your local plumber ASAP before significant problems occur.

Categories: Renovations